Content Strategy In A World Of Augmented Memory
The Value Of Comments For Content Gardens

Permission Marketing Reduces Junk Mail And Increases Content Marketing

A family member recently told me they cannot believe the volume of junk mail they receive from companies and marketers. That wearisome statement of the volume of junk mail got me thinking about why in marketing there should be increasingly less and less junk mail. The concept of permission marketing is the reason I believe there should be less junk mail around; the concept has been around for a number of years. The idea that you don't send marketing messages to customers unless they ask for the message, they sign up for junk if you will. Otherwise you will probably be sending and spending a lot of money on people who will never take up your offer or campaign.

Permission marketing is a rational approach by marketers to focus on the prospects who are more likely to convert; it’s an approach that gives marketers a strategy for what they like to do most. Wring out revenue and lower cost per acquisition progressively. Yet why do we continue to see more junk mail, junk email, and now junk social relationships?

Marketing is not running the show for most companies, if marketers were they would subscribe to the permission marketing philosophy, not out of wooly mindedness, but because they want to make more money on their marketing dollars. Junk doesn't really achieve your goals even if you can make money on 5% converting. 95% of customers may be annoyed with your approach.

Permission is also the basis for inbound and content marketing. The idea that you create content that attracts customers to your products and solutions, by providing editorial content that solves customers’ issues, be that text, audio or video. More content that helps and supports customers is not like content that is junk, junk mail annoys and is wasteful, while content marketing supports prospects and customers.
