CMG Partners & Agile Marketing
Mark Marino On SEO Maturity Models

Sleek Marketing For Boston Start-ups

Sleek Marketing University Digital marketing for startupsThe Sleek Marketing University conference at the NERD center in Cambridge, May 14th to the 16th, seeks to provide digital marketing expertise to Boston start-ups. My colleague Chrissy Inge is chair of the conference, and has done an excellent job of bringing together a number of speakers on digital marketing topics for start-ups.

Bobbie Carlton, Founder of Carlton PR & Marketing and Mass Innovation Nights will be speaking on marketing and social media. 

Michael Flint, Founder of Metropolis Creative will be talking about website optimization.

Navah Hopkins from WordStream will be talking about building a meaningful internship program 

If you need funding to attend the event, there are scholarships available, check out the scholarship page

