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Perception Is Reality.... Or Not?

Rebecca Lieb's New Altimeter Content Marketing Report

Rebecca Lieb - A friend, digital marketer and colleague in the industry, published her first piece of research at the Altimeter group: Content: The New Marketing Equation.

This excellent piece of research is an important document, which discusses some of the big issues we as marketers face in the current eco-system of the web as those issues relate to content development and distribution. The pace of change has accelerated over the past few years, and that really started with Election 2008, increased in speed with the introduction of the iPad, and has been a must-do for marketers ever since the Google Panda/farmer updates.

Highlights includes tips on conducting a content marketing audit, and steps towards content marketing maturity, with many excellent case studies; including some of my personal favorites; Indium Corp and Eloqua.
