It has been nearly two months since Phil Gomes wrote a blog article on the topic of how communications professionals and wikipedians can work together to create accurate Wikipedia entries.... Read more →
February 2012
Wayne Kernochan Critiques the Agile Marketing book by Michelle Accardi (I haven’t read Michelle’s book yet). But Wayne’s post did cause me to write a few ideas down. I'm thinking... Read more →
Rebecca Lieb's New Altimeter Content Marketing Report
February 23, 2012
Rebecca Lieb - A friend, digital marketer and colleague in the industry, published her first piece of research at the Altimeter group: Content: The New Marketing Equation. This excellent piece... Read more →
Quora is an elegantly designed social network for and system for classifying things, people and is a powerful search tool. The main problem Quora seeks to solve is how users... Read more →
In the March edition of Fast Company, Jack Dorsey, Executive Chairman of Twitter and CEO of Square is interviewed. I found this description of his time management during the week... Read more →
What's The State Of Corporate Book Promotions Through Ebooks?
February 16, 2012
When I worked at a custom publishing house I did some of that work on the topic of ebooks, and really got into the process with Apple, and other... Read more →
Social Media Curmudgeons Beware
February 10, 2012
I’m getting tired of the social media marketing guru bashing meme. Have you heard the meme? Basically, someone states that social media consultants don’t consider marketing, and are focusing on... Read more →
Brand & Media Content Gardens Augment Revenues By Monetizing Social Networks
February 10, 2012
Robin Carey, publisher of Social Media Today writes a great story about the progress the Wall Street Journal is making with digital strategy, in “Who's Afraid of the Big Bad... Read more →
Pawngo's Guerrilla Marketing Hits Low In Boston
February 08, 2012
Whoever came up with the idea of dumping hundreds of butterfingers on Boston's Copley Square, next to a sign about New England Patriot receiver Wes Welker, certainly knew how make... Read more →
The New Fulcrum Point is a media content garden, published by IDG, and sponsored by brand partners such as Dell. The site features over three hundred posts, on the topics... Read more →