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Content Sourcing For Content Gardens

When developing your content source strategy for a content garden, there are a number of options to consider, including:

  • In-house writers
  • Paid writers
  • Commission writers
  • Columnists
  • Community members
  • Syndicated content

Each content source provides advantages, and particular benefits for how the eco-system of the web works, from both an SEO and Social perspective.
In-house writers - Flexibility with choosing keywords, and thought leadership.

  • Paid writers - Flexibility with choosing keywords, and lots of control over content.
  • Commission writers - Some flexibility with keywords, but depending on the commission system, less control over the content because of the greater freedom writers hold over their own choices about when to write and what to write about.
  • Columnists - Writers will be excited to get published on the website, and be more likely to share the content with their community, especially if the writers are influencers in the sense they are active in the community.
  • Community members - Again sharing with the community more likely to happen, but probably only within a smaller segment of the community.
  • Syndicated content - Opportunities to gain direct traffic on multiple websites.
