8 Years Blogging
Loss Of A Great Social Media Marketer

The Science & Art of SEO

When developing titles for the web you have to use your judgment, so if an article is about a person, an event in the news, or say a book. I'd say leave the title alone, especially if the keywords in the title are optimized within the post.

Straying off your list of targeted keywords from your keyword excel spreadsheet sometimes results in posting articles that don't target your list of keywords. Or if you do post an article that doesn’t list your targeted keywords, then maybe you need to consider targeting those keywords!

When writing article and titles on the web, you have to think about both how you attract both search engines and people. You need a title that attracts people when they read the title, but includes keywords you'd like to get ranked on. You have to use English to entice people, but at the same time include the keywords that will get ranked.

This is not easy, and is one reason why SEO is both a science and an art. You have to use science to connect with search engines, and art to know how to entice real people, but also understand what processes really work for search engines.

