Hingham Tweet Up With Jeff Cutler
May 31, 2011
I'm organizing the second south shore tweet up with the great folks at The Toolbox, Inc. This will be my first tweet up since returning to Boston. I'm down in... Read more →
I'm organizing the second south shore tweet up with the great folks at The Toolbox, Inc. This will be my first tweet up since returning to Boston. I'm down in... Read more →
This post is for house keeping purposes. I'm keeping a list of updates to the Corporate Blogs post in the fortune 500. 5/26/11: Walmart no longer has a check out... Read more →
Take away: To make money you have to spend money.... Last night I attended the #whatsbrewing tweet up and video shoot at the Antler agency in Boston on South Street... Read more →
Sandy Charet, Principal of Charet & Associates, is a 20+ year veteran of the PR and communications recruiting industry, Sandy helps companies find the right talent and experience. Sandy has... Read more →
Curating content can be an effective way to host the community, gain traffic and thought leadership. David Meerman Scott illustrates all three from page 25 of his new book, Real... Read more →
I enjoyed this serious interview between Gary Vaynerchuk and Josh Zelman on Techcrunch. Interestingly Gary’s highlighted statement that 99.5% of social media experts had thrown a red flag into my... Read more →
Google started providing real time search results in 2009. David Meerman Scott writes in his new book, Real Time Marketing & PR. The event was a major news item .... Read more →
Quick Take: Having trouble explaining the value of social media to executives, don't pitch social media services, rather draw a picture of how the world is changing faster than ever,... Read more →
Comments are at the heart of the web 2.0 media revolution, comments were the first step in familiarizing most online readers with how to write online, turning them from lurkers... Read more →
A family member recently told me they cannot believe the volume of junk mail they receive from companies and marketers. That wearisome statement of the volume of junk mail got... Read more →