Four Processes In Corporate Social Media Engagement
SNCR Opens It's Research Conference

3 Social Media Statistics For The Fortune 500

This week Umass Dartmouth's new study on social media usage by the Fortune 500 was published. The study tracks how Fortune 500 companies are using corporate blogs, Facebook and Twitter. The quick synopsis is that Twitter leads, Facebook second, and blogging is lagging.

  • 23% of Fortune 500 companies blog. Up 1% from 2009.
  • 56% of Fortune 500 companies are using Facebook.
  • 60% of Forutune 500 companies have a Twitter account.

Dr. Nora Ganim-Barnes will be presenting the results of her study this week at Stanford in CA at the Society for New Communciations Research Gala and Research Symposium. Nora is a colleague and head of research for the society, I'm a founding Fellow of the society. I'll be here in the bay area this week, and also I'm holding a tweet up tomorrow night at the Stanford Park Hotel, sign up if you can join me.
