Tax Day = 2nd #GSOTweetup
4 Ways Fortune 500 Companies Adopt Social Media

AMA Iowa Business Blogging Presentation: April 7 2010

AMA Iowa I'm off to Iowa for a corporate blogging speaking engagement on April 7, at 11:30am at the Hilton Garden Inn in Johnston, Iowa.  The talk is for the Iowa chapter of the American Marketing Association...which is cool because I've been heavily involved with the AMA for a while, I was previously the President of the Boston chapter in 2005.

I'm presenting on the topic of Tools and Strategies for business blogging, and will be talking about the dialogue nature of social media, and these blogging related topics.

  • What is a blog?
  • Should your organization blog?
  • Building a blogging strategy
  • Blogging guidelines
  • Effective engagement strategies

But I also want to hear more from the folks at the Iowa chapter, do you have other questions about blogging and social media you'd like me to cover within the time of the presentation? If so, post a comment here on my blog and I'll try to cover your question in my presentation.
