Just interviewed Todd Defren from SHIFT Communications about the Global PR Blogging Week, Todd was also an Alumni of the PR Global Blog Week. John: What did you learn about... Read more →
July 2009
Ice Cream Social Media @ #IceSocial
July 31, 2009
Last night Ja-Naé Duane and I hosted the #IceSocial at the Capitol Theater in Arlington, Ma. Ja-Naé Duane @TheSunQueen had suggested we meet to network and then suggested we start... Read more →
Writing A Social Media Comment
July 30, 2009
When writing a comment in social media, blogs, twitter, or YouTube read the text of the original article and engage in a dialogue with the writer. Your primary goal is... Read more →
Measuring Your Level Of Social Media Engagement
July 29, 2009
The biggest change for businesses when dealing with social media is having a conversation with the communities about the topics they want to discuss rather than only promoting a company's... Read more →
Defining Public Relations For Social Media
July 28, 2009
Marketing can be simply split into two activities; advertising and public relations, so suggests Mary White, Author of 101 Successful PR Campaign Tips. Advertising is all paid activities where you... Read more →
5 Principles For Writing Corporate Stories
July 27, 2009
I've been captivated with the idea that blogging resembles new journalism, the style of journalism developed in the 60's where writers wrote about the facts but also described their response... Read more →
15.2% of Fortune 500 Blogging
July 25, 2009
Dr. Nora Gamin Barnes and Eric Mattson wrote a report discussing the number of blogs and level of social media activity of the Fortune 500, "The Fortune 500 and Blogging:... Read more →
Chris Bechtel, V.P. Sales, Marketing and Product Development of ipressroom was a contributor to the Global PR blogging week, and he was kind enough to answer some of my questions... Read more →
Social Media Leaders Identified Through Engagement
July 22, 2009
Charlene Li, Partner at the Altimeter Group and Ben Elowitz, CEO of Wetpaint have put together a report and companion engagement website that details the level of social media engagement... Read more →
Continuing my series of interviews with Alumni from the Global PR Blog Week, I interviewed Tom Murphy, I think Tom’s interview was particularly fascinating because as a PR professional he... Read more →