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Google’s Blogroll Of Competitors

If I said search, what would you think? Google probably.

If I said search competitors, you’d probably suggest Yahoo! & MSN.

Why then would Google’s Official Blog list the Yahoo! & MSN blogs on their blog role even though those companies are competitors?

Perhaps, when you get to be Google’s size, it does not matter who you link to, you are the 800 lb gorilla in the room, referencing your competitors does not lose you much.

I think it more likely that while social media is a method of communicating using technology. That method very much involves working within the social mores and etiquette of a community. If you will; social media is also a strategy for communicating within a community.

Any online community wants credible, authoritative voices contributing to the community. Establishing credibility is only possible if community participants monitor and pay attention to what competitors are doing, sometimes even commenting on what competitors are saying.

Ignoring competitors in most social media communities does not exclude you from making valuable contributions; however it does mean that competitors who do comment within the community have an advantage over you. If you do comment on competitors, chances are you will achieve a greater mindshare from the community. The community assumes that if you are not afraid to discuss your competitors, it must mean that you are impartial and willing to consider ideas and all products in the broadest sense.

In a world formerly dominated by advertising and single messaging from companies, being prepared to consider and compare competitive products is a refreshing change to customers, adding to the credibility of those who are prepared to fully participate. That credibility results in more links, readership and influence within the community.
