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American Airlines Blog

About Pages On Corporate Blogs

David Merman Scott, blogger and author of The new rules of marketing & PR wrote a post called, “Top 5 corporate blogging mistakes and how to avoid them,” where he gave his take on the worst mistakes people make on their company blogs.

1. Start a blog without first following other similar blogs (and commenting on them)

2. Write excessively about their company's products and services

3. Focus on one-way propaganda and don't involve other blogs and bloggers

4. Accept all the defaults in the blogging software package

5. Fail to realize the importance of the "About" page.

What caught my eye was point five, the importance of about pages. David suggests company bloggers don’t spend enough time on their about page, it’s the first opportunity to introduce the writer to the reader. The about page is also a chance to tell the blogger’s story.

This might be a strange question to ask, but do you have a favorite About Page you can point too?
