Whittling The Social Media Club Talking Stick
December 08, 2007
At the social media club chapter event in Boston this Thursday the meeting participants debated the merits of eight questions developed by the participants. There was a lot of discussion on several topics. The most heated will probably feature in future events in 2008.
Meanwhile over at Zane Safrit's blog, he and I were discussing how to encourage more participation from audience members. Here's Zane's suggestion:
"Johnnie Moore's post talks about the use of the talking stick. You only get to talk if you're holding the stick. It seemed to work. Obviously, the power's in the people with their consensus to use that method and not the stick itself.My point is that fundamentally, it's the group dynamics that allow everyone to speak or not. A leader can implement rules, and policies, but it's the group dynamic that creates an environment for everyone's voices to be heard."
I thought this was a great suggestion for future social media club events.