Working With An Advertising Agency
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Adwords Lunch At Highland Capital

Today I met with the marketing manager at Highland Capital. Highland is an investor in IMO Independent Mobile, and runs employment ads for each of its portfolio companies. We had lunch and swapped tips on Google Adwords. As part of the conversation I recalled from my days at the key to managing pay per click ads was managing your budget. Making sure that you ran the ads you wanted to run most often consistently. This sometimes requires optimizing your Google Adwords campaigns, either by reducing the number of keywords, or by restricting the places and times an ad can appear. With Google Adwords you can even set the positions where you'd like your ad to appear and if you have enough budget or write your ad well enough the ad will appear where you want it to appear.

It is also important to target the content of your ads around the keywords you are targeting and what the searcher is looking to find. Pay per click is one way to get traffic but a longer term solution is through organic search engine optimization.
