Public Relations At 360 Degrees
IMO Wireless New Job

Marketing Jobs For April 9th 2007

Each week the American Marketing Association Boston job board has some new marketing jobs; every week I feature the chapter's new jobs on this blog. In addition, anyone who wants to get the word out about a job can send me an email at jcass (AT) nwlink (DOT) com so I can add them to my weekly blog posting.

New jobs this week

1) Corporate Communications Manager - Company: Kewill Solutions - Location: Marlborough, Massachusetts - Min Exp: 5-7 Years

2) Associate Director, Product Management - Company: Genzyme Corporation - Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts - Min Exp: 5-7 Years

3) Interactive Marketing Manager - Company: Genzyme - Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts - Min Exp: 3-5 Years

From Iconstaff

1) Campaign/Email Marketing Manager. Company: ICONSTAFF - Location: Boston, Massachusetts - Min Exp: 2-5 Years

2) Dir Online Marketing: Company: ICONSTAFF - Location: Boston, Massachusetts - Min Exp: 6-8 Years

(I am on the board of directors for the Boston AMA)
