The Interview With Danny Goodisman
Publicity Club of New England Message

SEO Use Case Ideas I

A use case in software development testing is a description of all of the ways in which a user wants to use an application. Each use is a request to the application; the use case describes what the system will do in response to the user request.

Mmm.. I wonder if we can take this methodology and apply it to SEO? With SEO a use case would describe what language a user or visitor would use, and what result they would expect from that search. A non-expert user's expectations about what they should find in a search engine may be different from an industry expert's understanding of the meaning of any particular keyword or phrase. If the use case describes the response to the user request, we must compare and contrast the user's expectations of the information they expect to receive from a search with the actual search engine results.

Use cases allow software developers to gather customer requirements and set the limits to a software development project's scope. Use case descriptions make it easier for development professionals and end users to evaluate whether a developing system is actually producing the results users expect. In testing, use case modeling helps testing professionals to develop realistic test scenarios. In SEO we have to understand what information on a website page a customer expects to find when they search using particular keywords and phrases, even if, from an expert's perspective such results are not intuitive.

An SEO expert must focus on understanding the intentions of a visitor when they type in a particular keyword and phrase. If the SEO professional wishes to develop a keyword & phrase selection model that produces visitor expected information results that in turn produce the desired actions from a visitor.
